Registered speech-language pathologists are required under the Registration of Speech-Language Pathologists Law of 2001 (L.136(I)/2001), as amended by Laws 55(I) of 2004 and 35(I) of 2021 (the Registration of Speech-Language Pathologists (Amendment) Law of 2021) to renew their annual professional licence. The annual professional licence is valid from 1 January to 31 December of each year. Therefore, all registered speech-language pathologists practicing must hold a valid professional licence. If not, they are guilty of an offence.
All annual licences are sent in electronic form after payment of the fee of €34.17.
*If you wish it to be sent by post you must notify the Cyprus Registration Council of Speech-Language Pathologists by email.
For information on payment methods, please refer to the “Payments” tab as found on the website navigation menu.